Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes

Scanning Messenger Codes. To scan a Messenger Code, do the following: Activate the Messenger camera. Press and hold in the viewfinder. A circle will appear. Center the Messenger Code in the circle. Messenger will automatically scan the code.

  1. Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes Roblox
  2. Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes 2020
  3. Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes Free
  4. Messenger Code Images
  5. How To Use Messenger Code

Facebook just killed off Messenger Codes, which means that your marketing needs to change.

Here’s what you’ll get by reading this article:

  1. Realize precisely what just happened at 1 Hacker Way
  2. Understand why Facebook probably did it
  3. How to respond instantly without losing any marketing power
  • Sep 01, 2020 The Android key code typically reflects the language-specific interpretation of the key, so a different Android key code may be used for different languages. 0x0c 0x022f AC Zoom is defined in the HID as a linear control but the kernel maps it as a key, which is probably incorrect.
  • Here is a step-by-step guide to getting a Messenger Code for your Facebook Business Page: 1. Download Facebook Page App/Page Manager App from your iPhone or Android smartphone respectively 2. Once downloaded, open the app and go to your business p.

The Bottom Line: The Facebook Messenger App will no longer scan Messenger Codes beginning August 15, 2019.

Here’s what the Facebook Developers website says:

Starting August 15 2019, The Messenger camera will no longer support scanning Messenger Codes. Instead, we recommend businesses take advantage of the phone’s native capabilities to scan QR codes with links as a lightweight, efficient solution. See more on links

Right now, your Facebook Messenger app can generate and scan Messenger Codes — a unique image that opens up a Messenger sequence.

Messenger Scan codes look like this:

If you open Messenger on your phone and scan that image, Messenger will send you a nice little message.

This is all changing.

Instead of using their proprietary Messenger Codes, Facebook is falling back on traditional (and kinda unsightly) QR codes.

Why did Facebook kill Messenger Codes?

All we can do is speculate because Facebook hasn’t come right out and explained why they made this move, but some answers seem obvious.

Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes

First, most phones automatically scan QR codes. But most phones don’t automatically detect and scan Messenger Codes.

To open the Messenger scan code reader, it requires at least four taps. Who has time for four taps?!

And, honestly, not a lot of people even know about Messenger Codes.

Facebook has its own native QR reader anyway. (Who knew?) You can open it by searching for “QR reader” in the Facebook app.

In general, this move is about ease, simplicity, and giving in to what’s already standard — QR codes.

Besides, since Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram messaging are being integrated, it makes sense to ditch a proprietary scan feature of just one of those apps.

Facebook themselves admitted, “QR codes with links [are] a lightweight, efficient solution.”

Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes Roblox

In other words, QR codes are way simpler and efficient.

So, au revoir Scan codes and bonjour QR codes.

What has Facebook killed in the past?

Facebook has been killing off features like characters in Game of Thrones.

But it’s not just features they’re killing off. They’re ditching people, too! (Not killing them, of course, just firing them. Seriously.)

It was like executive suite musical chairs on “Ugly Tuesday” (March 2019) when legends like Chris Cox and Chris Daniels boxed up their family pictures and hit the door.

But features, unlike people, are morally acceptable to kill with a developer’s flip of a switch. And they have to go.

What else has Facebook thrown out the window?

  • Poking
  • And, OMG, super poking
  • Virtual gifts
  • The Wall
  • [Name is…] posting style
  • Facebook Camera
  • Trending News, which, let’s be honest, fake news was kind of a problem
  • Using “Notes” for long posts.
  • “Looking for” relationship status. This isn’t Tinder.
  • The Honesty Box, which was honestly kind of creepy
  • Beacon, which ended up being a total holiday-gift-spoiler-alert fail
  • Facebook Questions
  • Peer 2 Peer payment

I’ve also shared that Facebook is going to put a fork in the News Feed.

Features come and features go.

This kind of thing happens, folks. And when it does, it’s up to ahead-of-the-curve Messenger marketers like us to decide the correct course of action.

Let me throw in my ten cents of prognostication.

Facebook is gearing up to make Messenger the star of the show.

Zuck himself said it. His vision of Facebook’s future is messaging!

And who stands to win in this Facebook plot twist? Businesses do. Business Pages can use Messenger chatbots, and that’s where scalable and ultra-powerful marketing moves are made.

So, what do we do in the case of the disappearing Messenger scan codes?

Messenger Marketing and Scan Codes: What you need to do

Scan code editor for messenger codes 2020

There’s absolutely no reason to lose it over the departure of scan codes.

We still have powerful chatbots. And we have QR codes. And by combining the two, we’re still at 100% Facebook Messenger marketing unicorn power.

Every Messenger sequence you create has a unique Messenger URL. When you send people to that URL — using a QR code of course — you can accomplish the same thing as a Messenger code.

And there’s an upside: More people are likely to scan a QR code than a Messenger code.

Let me give you an example.

The URL for MobileMonkey in Messenger is this:

Pro tip: The URL for any individual and Facebook Business Page is PLUS their name or Business name followed by a forward slash

Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes

So, for me, Larry Kim, it’s

For Facebook Messenger, it’s

I can take my Messenger URL and paste it into a QR code creator. For this example, I’ll use

Open the QR code creator of your choice, and paste in your Messenger URL.

Next, I’ll generate the code image. I click “Create QR code” in the generator tool above, and here’s what I get:

I went ahead and scanned that code with my iPhone’s native camera. Not to go all Inception on you, but here’s what it looks like:

Since I also have Messenger installed on my phone (who doesn’t?), it gives me the option to open that Messenger link in the Messenger app.

And, when I do that, boom, the bot sequence begins.

Messenger Scan codes are dead, but who cares?

Like I mentioned, there’s zero reason for panic and hysteria in the streets.


Yes, the Messenger scan codes are about to kick the bucket, but we’re not losing marketing power.

Every Messenger sequence has its own URL, and every URL can be turned into a QR code.

As long as you’re creating chatbots, you have all you need for high-octane unicorn power marketing with Facebook Messenger.

Originally Published on

Social Media

Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes 2020

Most people I talk with have absolutely no idea what the Facebook Messenger Code is, what it does, or where to find it. Lucky you, we’ve put together this little tutorial to show you all about this handy little tool!

The image below is the Facebook messenger code. This code is available to you in your messenger app (for personal profiles) and your Page Manager app (for business pages), where you’ll also find a scanner to scan these unique codes. Once scanned, they immediately connect you with an individual or business by bringing you right into their messenger account.

I was recently at an event where the women in attendance were actually using this code instead of exchanging business cards (first time I’ve ever seen it used in a networking setting!) It was absolute awesome because not only were we connecting in the space we spend a good amount of our time in (Facebook), but were also teaching others how to use it, liking business pages as we connected with people and at the end of the day, we all had more followers and new relationships to nurture. Oh, and I didn’t have 1 business card to throw in the trash when I got back to my hotel room!

Accessing your code and the scanner to connect with others is pretty simple but a little different for your personal profile and your business profile.

Setting Up a Personal Facebook Messenger Code

  1. Open your messenger app
  2. Make sure you are on the HOME screen (icon on the bottom far left will get you there.)
  3. Tap your profile photo in the upper left corner
  4. Tap the Facebook code that displays on your screen
  5. “My Code” will display and can be scanned right from you phone screen, or shared via the icon in the upper right. (Ninja Tip – I like to save the image to my photo library to its always easy to access and share.)
  6. To access the scanner to scan other codes, hit the “Scan Code” button at the top of the screen (Just hold the circle over a code and it’ll take you right into their messenger.

Setting Up a Business Facebook Messenger Code

  1. Open the Facebook Page (iphone) or Page Manager (android) app
  2. From your business page profile, tap the 3 horizonal lines in the bottom far right.
  3. Select Messages from the menu
  4. Tap the messenger code (circle) icon in the upper right
  5. Select “Share messenger Code” and you can send it to someone or save to your photo library

These codes can be used in networking settings to connect with people you want to follow up with, can you printed on your collateral materials are shared in emails or social media. With the increasing popularity of Facebook Messenger Bots, this little tool will become pretty valuable in turning connections into Bot subscribers so you can send valuable information to them through messenger, where the open and read rates crush those in email campaigns.

Have fun with this and teach others how to use it! They will be thrilled that they are learning a new skill, I’m sure they’ll be excited to show others, and everyone will be able to print fewer business cards while getting far better engagement and visibility online!

Questions? Comments? Leave us a note below and let us know if you’ve used this before or if this all new to you. If you’d like more completely free tips on tools, techniques and all things Social Media – we’d love to have you in our private Facebook group, Bobbi B’s Social Media Clambake where we share all the things small business owners need to know to market their businesses online!

Bobbi Baehne

President, Think Big Go Local, Inc.

My mission at Think Big Go Local is to create a “buzz” around our client’s businesses online and in social media platforms so their message reaches their desired audience. We know that relationships are built and maintained online each and every day and work to make sure our clients are building credibility, authority and attracting new followers and clients . We don’t work in a cookie cutter environment, each of our clients is unique and their accounts are fully managed using their voice, talking to their specific audience and sharing value that keeps them coming back.

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