Panic Button

This Under-Desk Panic Button for Office Workplace is an affordable reliable option when used as an office panic button system. Using these optional components, the Under-Desk Panic Button for Office Workplace may include a wireless master pocket paging console with pocket pagers and reader boards for continuous status updates. What is a panic button? A panic button is an “emergency contact device” designed to be carried by the user and to summon immediate on-scene assistance from a security guard, coworker, or other employer-designated personnel. What types of panic buttons are acceptable? The following effectiveness criteria can help you system) for your workplace: The panic button is designed to be carried by the.

New research notes that one in seven employees don’t feel safe at work. In particular, employees that work alone face ever increasing risk and violence as they perform their work tasks.

With risk on the rise, panic buttons put help at hand for workers.

Many employers are now making the wise choice to outfit workers with panic buttons offering their staff quick connection to help should an incident arise.

How does a panic button work?

In the case of the SoloProtect IDpersonal alarm device, when a worker encounters a situation that makes them uncomfortable, they simply push the ‘Red Alert’ button to be instantly connected with the Monitoring Center who are then listening, recording and escalating their call. For example, if during a home health care visit a patient has a friend there that the nurse does not recognize, or perhaps the patient begins to become aggressive, the nurse would issue a ‘Red Alert’ opening up a one-way communication to the SoloProtect Monitoring Center. A trained operator is now listening for audio cues to send the nurse the help they need. Perhaps the patient or friend threatens the nurse, the SoloProtect Operator will dispatch police to their location via GNSS.

A medical alert panic button or medical alarm is an electronic device worn on a bracelet or necklace as part of a medical alert system. When pressed, it sends a wireless signal to a home console which dials alarm monitoring staff and alerts them of an emergency condition. Caregiver Wrist Pager Call Button for Senior Safety Panic Button for Elderly Smart Personal Alarm Alert Pager Watch 1 Wrist Pager(Vibration + Sound+Time) 10 Waterproof SOS Call Buttons 3.3 out of 5 stars 12. This Under-Desk Panic Button for Office Workplace is an affordable reliable option when used as an office panic button system. Using these optional components, the Under-Desk Panic Button for Office Workplace may include a wireless master pocket paging console with pocket pagers and reader boards for continuous status updates.

Why would an employee need a panic alarm?

Employees are frequently faced with unforeseen risks on the job and violence in the workplace seems to be a troubling trend with OSHA estimating that nearly 2 million people report being victims of workplace violence every year. For remote, mobile, and lone workers, these risks are even more difficult to mitigate as they tend to travel to private residences, remote locations, or even large worksites. Should they be faced with an emergency, a personal safety alarm or panic button allows them to call for help without escalating an incident. With the SoloProtect ID personal panic alarm, a worker can discreetly call for help without even breaking eye contact allowing them to stay present and continue to try to de-escalate the situation at hand.

Lone working employees may face various risks on the job, both social and environmental. Social risks are those presented by other people such as verbal threats and abuse, harassment, physical abuse, and even robbery. Recently, robbery has been on the rise particularly for home health care employees as there is a tendency to believe they may be carrying pharmaceutical drugs. For real estate and hospitality workers, sexual harassment has been a prominent concern as they frequently find themselves alone with customers.

Environmental threats are those that stem from the working environment itself and can include difficult driving and parking conditions, weather, and biohazards in personal homes, and workspace hazards such as manhole covers and slip, trip, and fall hazards. These threats are of note particularly for those who travel to their remote work area such as on-call municipal workers who may be called to sites far off the beaten path at all hours of the night. If a worker falls or experiences a medical emergency during travel to their remote worksite, how would they reach out for help? The SoloProtect ID panic alarm has an additional Incapacitation feature that recognizes non-movement of the employee giving allowing them access to the help they need, right when it is needed.

Why is a panic button better than a cell phone?

Many employers ask their staff to rely on their personal or business cell phone to call for assistance when needed. Unfortunately, cell phones are not a reliable way to reach out for help when faced with an aggressive or emergency situation. First, a cell phone may not always be on their person. When one faces a threat, running to reach their cell phone won't be a viable option. Second, it can heighten an already tense situation. Say a home health care patient is becoming verbally abusive and attending nurse becomes uncomfortable. They would have to fish their cell phone out of their pocket or bag, dial, connect with a colleague or emergency services and state their emergency. In that time the nurse would have completely disengaged from the job they were performing indicating to the patient that they were not a priority which may case an already aggressive situation to heighten and become abusive. What’s more, once an employee is engaging with their cell phone, they are no longer tuned in to the incident at hand. The now irate patient may decide to attack the nurse, take the cell phone from them, or even use a cell phone against them.

The SoloProtect ID is designed as an ID badge holder to put an employee security panic button discreetly at hand. When a crisis arises, the solution can be deployed without disengaging and even without breaking eye contact. This allows an employee to continue to deescalate tension all the while knowing a trained operator is listening in and dispatching help if needed.

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What makes the SoloProtect ID personal panic alarm unique?


There a number of distinguishers that help the SoloProtect ID stand apart from other wireless panic buttons. The first is the form factor. The completely discreet ID badge form factor allows the panic alarm to act as part of an employee’s uniform. Not only does that make for easy integration on the part of the user, but also ensures that it won't be easily identified by an aggressor as a means to call for help. In an emergency, the solution is simple to use and always on their person as it’s worn by the user.

Another important differentiator is incident audio. When a ‘Red Alert’ is initiated, the SoloProtect Monitoring Center is listening AND recording. After an incident, that audio recording is available for review by the company and able to be used as evidence if necessary. In such litigious times as these, incident audio can be a valuable asset. There is no “he said, she said,” but instead a legitimate recording of the incident in question. Having a panic alarm solution in place may also help to show a commitment to employee safety potentially lowering insurance costs or fees after an event.

In addition, SoloProtect provides unparalleled customer support. All onboarding and training are provided as well as the use of our customer portal Insights. In Insights, customers are able to run reports on usage, send out training reminders and notifications, and manage their devices and users. The customer service team and Insights make the process of deploying your SoloProtect safety solution simple so that users can quickly be outfitted with the panic alarms they need to stay safe when facing risk.

Find out more about the SoloProtect IDHERE.
It’s more than a panic button, it’s peace of mind.

Today, we are living in time of technology. Why don't we take it as our advantage? Panic Button is inspired by technology and it's here to make our world safer and better place.

What is Panic Button?

Imagine you find yourself in some kind of emergency situation. With Panic Button you can send your current location, custom panic messages, custom SMS to group of people and notify them about your emergency situation with just one click. With Panic Button, that is possible with only your smartphone device with internet connection!

How does Panic Button work?

Panic Button is created for two type of users in mind. In our world, we are calling them Guards and Targets.

Check out their role:

Panic Buttons Removed Before Riot

  • Guard is a user who is taking care of all Targets panic sessions and also can read all panic session data.
  • Guard could be: Police, Hospital, Security agency etc.
  • Access to: Web app & Mobile app (iOS, Android)
  • Guard can manage other targets and guards. Number of accounts is limited according to purchased Package.
  • When Panic Session is active, SMS as a notification can be sent to all Guards.
  • Guard can see history of all panic sessions from all Targets in anytime.
  • Location of panic session from Targets are displayed on map and can be seen by Guard.
  • Guard can restrict Targets access to the app by date.
  • Target is a user who could potentially be in emergency situation.
  • Target could be: Any citizen
  • Access to: Mobile app (iOS, Android)
  • Target can open the app anytime on their smartphone and click the panic button. After panic button is clicked, app will do following:
    • Start a new panic session and set panic status to 'active'.
    • Send all timestamps (When button is pressed, coordinates are sent, new custom panic message is sent, SMS are sent and also when session is canceled)
    • Send Targets current location every minute.
    • Allow Target to send custom panic messages to the guard while panic status is active.
    • Send SMS to all receivers with custom message set by Target itself.
    • * Now, Guard will have all Target's informations on web app or phone app and can act appropriately.
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Panic Buttons For Business

  • Allowed to add up to 10 users.
  • Allowed to send up to 20 SMS per month.
  • Access to web app and mobile app.
  • Free web app and mobile app updates.
  • Customer support.


  • Allowed to add up to 50 users.
  • Allowed to send up to 100 SMS per month.
  • Access to web app and mobile app.
  • Free web app and mobile app updates.
  • Customer support.
X /mo
  • Allowed to add unlimited(or specific) number of users.
  • Allowed to send unlimited(or specific) number of SMS per month.
  • Access to web app and mobile app.
  • Free web app and mobile app updates.
  • Customer support.

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Panic Buttons For Offices

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